Living A Fulfilling Life Following the Sacred Wheel

Errin Smith

Errin SmithProfile Photo

That Health Chick

Errin Smith, also known as "That Health Chick" on instagram is an avid health and fitness fanatic who is expert trained in health optimization for over 15 years, and has worked with world leading health experts such as Dr. Zach Bush MD, Dr. Christine Schaffner, Dr. Dan Pompa, Mark Groves and a list of high level celebrity health experts. She is also the founder, producer and host of What We Crave: The Emotional Eating Summit. After 25 years of struggling with emotional eating, food addiction, and "shame fasting", Errin became obsessed with understanding the root cause of what it is that we are REALLY craving. She is on fire for cultivating real, beautiful, honest conversations that provide roadmaps to healing and how to make peace with food and ultimately yourself.

June 26, 2023

The Cure for Emotional Eating with Erin Smith

Emotional eating, it's more than you think. The common portrayal is someone who is upset and eats a tub of ice cream. But there are subtle ways we can attach emotions to eating even when we are not hungry. That means anyone …
Guest: Errin Smith