Living A Fulfilling Life Following the Sacred Wheel

Ambika Devi

Ambika DeviProfile Photo


Ambika's expert knowledge of taming the mind and engaging storytelling gives audiences effective tools that prove they can change neural pathways and thought patterns. She has appeared on TLC-The Learning Channel, syndicated and public radio, NY Public access television and TEDx AUBG. Often a recurring guest on podcasts and vlogcasts, Ambika taught holistic health at the university level for 21 years. With 46 years of experience, 13,350 plus hours of study and having taught over 20,000 people the art of meditation, Ambika gives audiences tools that lead you directly into a deep state of meditation.

Oct. 2, 2023

Exploring Dreams With Ambika Devi

Dreams tell us of things to come. They help us solve problems. They are the way that we can see beyond the five senses. My guest today, Amibka Devi, explores the wonderful world of dreams. She's also generously shared the fo…
Guest: Ambika Devi