Living A Fulfilling Life Following the Sacred Wheel
Feb. 27, 2023

Six Amazing Tips for Attracting Abundance

Six Amazing Tips for Attracting Abundance

Attracting abundance is a hot topic! If you're not successful with it, maybe it's because you haven't thought of these six things! I have helped many people double and even triple their income. In this episode, I will share what I have learned as a result. Consider this and you will find more success.


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Spiritual Travel wIth Laura Giles


Host Bio: Laura Giles helps people let go of what's in shadow without having to talk about it. If you're ready to let go of your limitations and take command of your life, let's connect.


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Surviving to Thriving has a Youtube channel and one of my listeners asked me to do a hypnosis video for abundance. It’s not surprising. Everywhere you look there are courses and instructions about how to manifest abundance, right? It seems everyone wants more of something. It’s been a couple of weeks now, and I haven’t done it. It’s complicated. 


People come to me quite often looking for a quick fix for cleaning their blocks around abundance. While I certainly have helped people double and even triple their income, it’s not that simple because one of two things happen. Those same people either come back wanting to raise the ceiling even more, or they get it and lose it. 


On this podcast I talking about moving from Surviving to Thriving by following the sacred wheel and Abundance is an Earth energy. It’s very important to survival. Every agricultural society throughout time has had harvest festivals and fertility festivals because abundance, increasing energy, and bringing things to life is essential to life. If your life isn’t overflowing with abundance, you have an imbalance in earth energy. So, you’re either not thinking with the right mindset, you have blocks, or maybe you grew up with a consciousness of poverty - something like that is going on. And it’s not usually just one thing. How you do anything is how you do everything, so it’s probably showing up in lots of ways.


Life’s happier when energy flows, so in this podcast I am going to give you six ways to make some changes so you can balance out that Earth energy and bring some sunshine, happiness, and resources to your door.


First, let me ask a favor of you. If you enjoy the podcast, please subscribe or review it. It helps the ranking so that more people can find it and benefit from the content. A rising tide lifts all boats, so more is more for all of us, right? Alright. Not only that but if you believe in the idea that we are all happier, healthier, and more connected by living in harmony with the sacred wheel, you can turn someone else on to a pathway of light and love. If you’re in the free, private online community, you know what I mean. It’s a way of being that is natural, positive, and affirming, so why wouldn’t you share it? The link is in the show notes, so check that out.


So, it seems a no brainer that Earth is the element of abundance. It’s where our food comes from and all of the resources that we need to survive, so it’s kind of obvious to me that cultivating earth energy brings more abundance in our lives, but let me shine a light on that so you can see it too, alright? 


I’m not an astrologer, but in my opinion, Capricorn is the astrological sign of success and money. I’m not saying all Capricorns have it, but I’m saying they are at the top of the “most likely to succeed” list. Why? Because Capricorn is earth energy. The symbol for Capricorn is the sea goat. And what do goats do? They climb. They climb to places that other animals can’t get to. They keep going. They aren’t intimidated by what’s hard. They are comfortable at heights that other find sickening. While they can enjoy comfort and bling, they also understand sacrifice and can maintain themselves with little. So they accumulate. But maybe even more important than any of that is that they believe they can make it. They have a long range vision and don’t get intimidated by not being an overnight sensation. They have a sense of delayed gratification. 


Capricorn is at home in the 10th house which is the house of public status and career. It’s ruled by Saturn, who is the king of structure, hard work, and determination. So Capricorn is ambitious, adaptable, and they approach things like a project to accomplish. And most people that I see who search for abundance don’t have a lot of this energy.


They want to wish upon a star and wake up with a lottery win. They want to make a vision board and see those things materialize without any effort on their part. They want that energy to be sustained without any investment from them. It’s like building a tower on a postage stamp or building a penthouse without making sure that there is a firm foundation underneath. That’s just not going to stand. It’s for the same reason that my clients who break through the money ceiling either lose it or want more.


Abundance is a mindset and an energy. It’s not about how much you have. It’s about how you think about what you have. If you have a consciousness of poverty, you’ll run through that money - and any other money that you have - and be right back at your comfort and energy level. The history of most lottery winners and professional athletes, movies stars, and rocks stars bear this out. If they came from nothing, their spending often keeps up with their income, and when the money stops or runs out, they are right back where they started.


If your spending keeps pace with your income, you don’t have an abundance problem. You have a spending problem, a budgeting problem, a priorities problem, a hoarding problem, an impulse control problem, or something that’s not about how much you have. You’re not happy with what you have, you’re not full inside, so there is never going to be enough. 


So, whether you have a $5,000, $50,000, or $500,000 credit line, you’ll max it out and spend the most that you can spend- or even more. If that rises, you’ll spend even more. Nothing satisfies you. It’s like the Greek myth of the man who entered Demeter’s sacred grove and began chopping down a black poplar tree. Demeter disguised herself as a human and warned him to stop. He threatened to strike her, so she cursed him with insatiable hunger. The god of wine, Dionysus, also cursed him with insatiable thirst, and he spent all his money trying to fill himself up and ended up a beggar on the streets searching for scraps. 


But it’s not just true of people with high incomes. The same is true for the working person. If you measure what you can afford by a monthly payment, you’re probably maxing out your spending. Every time I go car shopping, the salesperson asks me what I want my monthly payment to be and typically tells me that he can get me there. The monthly payment has nothing to do with the value of the car. If I pay $3000 in interest over and above the sticker price so that I can hit that number, I have way overpaid for the car. That’s not a good deal for me and not a good use of my money. And driving around in a car that I can’t afford or is not a good deal is not a sign of abundance.


Now some might say, “Oh, it makes me feel good to ride in style and reliability. If that’s what it takes to get me in that car, it’s worth it to me” well, to that I say, “Do you.” I’m not trying to tell anybody how to live their lives. You can buy whatever you want for whatever reason that you want. I’m just saying that abundance is not about the label on your clothes or car. 


That’s a consciousness of entitlement. That’s saying, “I deserve it, so I should have it.” Again, nothing wrong with that, but if you don’t have the money to back it up, it’s an extravagance that will cost you in the long run because it doesn’t balance.


All life in the sacred wheel balances. If you are putting out more than you are bringing in, that’s a sand castle that is going to collapse. Or you will be running around in anxiety trying to keep all the plates you have in the air spinning, and that’s the definition of the rat race.


You see, most people in the United States don’t have a money problem. We have a mindset problem. Someone was telling me that he made $70,000 and didn’t know how he could afford to live alone. I know someone else who is a single parent who is figuring it out on $35,000, so the single guy with an income of $70K doesn’t have a money flow problem. He has a spending problem and quite likely a lifestyle problem. And as long as that is in place, no windfall, no raise, no promotion is going to make a difference. His spending will keep pace with the available money and he will keep feeling like he’s broke.


Abundance isn’t about what you have. It’s a feeling of plenty. So you could have abundance with very little. When I was in college, I drove a paid off beater and lived in a two bedroom apartment with one roommate and that was absolute luxury compared with my friends. Most of them lived with three or four roommates on campus or in a dorm with no car at all. We always had food at my house that wasn’t ramen noodles, and that was also a state of abundance compared with my friends. 


We didn’t have nice furniture or matching dishes or a whole lot of other things, but my bills were paid. I had time to do things for fun, had a fun social life, and didn’t feel like I was missing out on anything. We had very little and yet I was in the midst of plenty. 


The things that mattered to me were things like freedom, the basics like food and shelter, good friends, a great relationship with my family, and things like that. They were mostly things that money couldn’t buy, so there wasn’t a whole lot that could threaten that sense of being wildly fortunate. Do you see what I mean? 

Abundance isn’t about stuff. It's about valuing what you have. And if you value what you have, anything else that comes your way is icing on the cake. When you’re satisfied with less, there is almost always enough.


So, why do we feel like we don’t have enough? Well, if you have a subconscious program that says money is the root of all evil, your unconscious won’t let you corrupt yourself. So, it’s not going to let you have wealth, right? 


Maybe you say something like, “I have always wanted to be a teacher. I know that they don’t make a lot of money, but I am serving the greater good and that’s more important.” Now, I am picking on teachers because they have a reputation of being underpaid, but I know that that’s not universally true. The point is that if you are hiding behind some false modesty or some virtuous image to keep from being seen as the bad guy with money, you’re not going to have money or success. 


You’ve rejected it so keep from being corrupted by it, and as I’ve said over and over on this podcast, nothing is good or bad. It’s just a matter of whether it’s used in the right way, at the right time, in the right quantity, for the right purpose. Anything can be positive or negative. It just depends on the situation. So, the “rich people suck” attitude is a way to reject abundance.


If your unconscious says you're not worthy of abundance, you can't get what you don’t believe, so your gains will be limited. Feeling not worthy is a huge problem with my clients. If you grew up with someone who was critical, put you down, or made you feel like you couldn’t do it without them, you probably have at least a little bit of this. It doesn’t take a long time or anything extreme to create learned helplessness.


Now tune in and lean into this because this is important! There is this experiment that is done over and over, and it goes a little something like this. A teacher explains to the class that an anagram is when you see one word and rearrange the letters to make another word. So, the word bat could be rearranged to be tab. The word dads could be adds, got it? So the teacher passes out a paper with three words on it. She asks the students to raise their hand when they figure out the anagram for the first word. About half the class raises their hands. Then she asks the students to raise their hands when they have figured out the second word. Again, half the class raises their hands. Then she asks the class to raise their hands when they have the third word.


That’s when she does the big reveal and tells the class that there are two lists. Half the class got a list of two super easy words that would take about a second to figure out the anagram. The first two words for the other half of the class were not solvable. Then everyone had the same third word, but by the time the half with the unsolvable list got to the third word, their confidence was crushed. They had already learned they were helpless and didn’t even try because they’d convinced themselves that they couldn’t do it. 


This can be generalized to so many things. If you grow up in a household that used judgment and punishment and you had to “deserve” things to get them, it would be easy to imagine that you might feel guilty for having nice things or you would have a hard time receiving things - even if you have enough money to pay for them. 


If you grew up with a helicopter parent who did everything for you, protected you from life’s hardships, and gave you everything, you might not feel worthy of things because you never had to earn them. It doesn’t take a lot of either overt or covert messages of “you’re not worthy” to instill a lifelong belief that abundance is not for you. 


If your conscious mind says that having a lot is a big headache because you’ll have to deal with taxes and people wanting hand outs, your unconscious will protect you from that too. So, if you want to know what your inside thinks, look at your outside. “As within, so without.” We are a perfect reflection of our programs.


Getting your hands on more money won’t help with any of that. In fact, it will probably make it worse because your inside and outside aren’t congruent so your unconscious will find a way to bring you back into harmony with yourself, so you can be at peace. So, if there is a block, you have to get rid of the block, and I help people with that every day. Send me an email and I’d be glad to help you, too.


But even if the block is removed, you still have to cultivate a mindset of abundance and that’s the easy part. All you have to do is to be grateful for what you have now. Notice it. Cherish it, Acknowledge it. I’d even go so far as to suggest that you begin to have a relationship with your stuff. 


Take care of your stuff. Keep it neat, clean, and pretty. Don’t just hide things away in a closet. If it’s important enough to acquire, put it out where it can be used, admired, and enjoyed. If you’re not using something and don’t love it, let it go to someone who will love it.


You see, we all only have so much time, energy, and attention. If we give our time, attention, and energy to the people, things, and activities that we love, our lives will be full with far less stuff than we think we need. 


The first time I went surfing, I absolutely loved it. Now, I don’t live at the beach, but I was mentally calculating the cost of a rental for a surf board and was thinking it would be better for me to just buy one and all the gear. So, I had mentally spent a ton of money thinking about all the fun I was going to have, but fortunately common sense got the better of me because guess what? The beach is two and a half hours away. How often do you think I’ve been surfing since then?


So, did I need a surf board and wet suit? No. Nor did I need to have a storage shed to house it all. And how many times have we all had thoughts like that? And how much stuff do we all have that might get used once a season? Or maybe never? Thrift stores are overflowing with stuff with the tags still attached because we don’t appreciate or use the impulsive things we think we need. That’s an earth problem.


So, here’s how I decide whether or not I need something. First, I consider the cost. Life is made up of time, and how much of my life do I have to give up to be able to pay for this thing? So, to keep it simple, if I make $10 an hour and something costs $100, I’m giving up 10 hours of my life in exchange for that thing. Some things will be worth it, and some won’t.


Another thing I consider is how much upkeep will this thing require? If it’s a puppy, I’m trading a lot of life for the enjoyment and responsibility for another life. If it’s a paperweight, not so much. If something has to go into storage, like a boat, it’s probably going to be a big, giant no. I like boats. I like being on the water, but I don’t want the expense or responsibility for one, but that’s just me.


If you get rid of the things that suck up your time, you have time for a social life, a clean house, sleep, exercise, sex, and little things you used to do before you had kids. TV is a big time suck. My ipad has timer that tells me how much time I spend online. That can be a big time suck as well. When you look back at your life, what do you want your time to be spent on? Working so you can have more stuff? Escaping from your life by watching tv or chatting with people online? 


I’ve got to tell you, I haven’t done the video that I was asked for because I care about helping people and want to give them what they want. I want it to be meaningful and the person who asked me for the hypnosis video on abundance is looking for more stuff, not an attitude of plenty.


We are one of the most affluent countries in the world - we all have plenty - and it’s inconceivable to me that we have an abundance problem. We don’t. We have a perspective problem. So let me tidy this up and give you my seven strategies to combat the feeling that there isn’t enough. Now, if you have a mindset issue or a block, call me to get rid of that. The list won’t help with that. You do have to dissolve that, but if you don’t, here’s what can help you cultivate an attitude of abundance.


You know the first thing is gratitude. I’m going to give you a skill for this. It’s called Opposites. When you catch yourself complaining or worrying about not having enough, flip it around and look at how the opposite is true. For example, if my power bill is more than I expect and I start complaining about it, I catch myself and say something like, “I really enjoyed having all those Christmas lights last season. It sure was pretty.” And then turn that energy around. Everything has two sides.


I was in the midwest last week, and I love going back there because people are so Earthy. Midwest people know how to embrace and enjoy the every day sacred. I was tubing with friends at a ski resort, and skiing has a reputation as being a rich person’s sport- kind of like golf. But in the parking lot were pick up trucks and instead of people in high priced, water repellant ski clothing and designer glasses, people were wearing Carhartts with patches, so farm clothes. And families were laughing and playing together. There was no competition or posing or doing a jet set thing of being seen. It was just people enjoying the snow in a space of abundance. Love and laughter was in abundance along with camaraderie and appreciating nature. It wasn’t about money or trying to fill a void or feel good. It was about just being in a space of what is. 


There is so much in every moment that we miss if we don’t have the eyes to see it. Gratitude is a great practice to expand that vision and feel how blessed we all are. It has nothing to do with stuff, happiness, beauty, or the things that so many people chase. 


The second thing you can do to cultivate abundance is to build a life of values. So many people say that family is their top priority, but they don’t even spend time with their families or know who they are as people. They might have nice pictures and their kids have all the right opportunities. On Facebook it looks like the perfect family, but they have no relationships. 


Figure out what is important to you and put your time, money, and energy into those things. You will be amazed at how fulfilled you feel - even if it’s something as simple as engaging in a hobby like quilting or playing the guitar. If you really enjoy making art, but you don’t actually do it because you’re too busy working to pay off a house that you don’t spend any time in, how fulfilling is that? 


If you put your time, money, and energy into what you love, trust me, the things you don’t have won’t matter. 


The third thing I already mentioned, that is to take care of what you already have. Use your stuff. Maintain it. Love it. Make it a part of your life. If it’s not a part of your life, what’s it doing here? Back in the day, people used to buy things for durability and price and hold on to something until it lost its usefulness or didn’t work anymore. That’s how we have antiques. Now we throw away and upgrade perfectly good things because there is a newer model. I wouldn’t tell you where to draw the line. You can have whatever you want to have. I’m just suggesting that if you value what you already have, you will feel more full.


The fourth thing is to release of what is not a part of your present life. If I have my high school jacket in my closet, I might need to consider whether this is part of my present life or not. Maybe it is. Maybe it isn’t. Look at Nature. Nowhere in nature do we see examples of creatures who accumulate stuff from birth to death. Only humans. It’s a strange thing that we do. We’re not great at letting go of emotions, stuff, relationships, hurts. New things can’t come in if there is no space. I can’t have an adult relationship if I am holding on to my teenage stuff or the stuff that isn’t here now. It’s like living in a constant grudge or living in the past. There is no room for what’s here now if I’m not here.


Fifth is to learn how to receive. Start small. Ask for help and then let someone actually give it to you. Appreciate the way that it arrives rather than dictating how it has to be. I haven’t always been a good receiver. I am really good at taking care of myself, so it’s not often that I want or need help, so it’s wasn’t obvious that I had this problem. 


One day someone gave me a sincere compliment and I was really touched. It was unexpected. I realized how rare it was to receive a compliment like that and I told her so and thanked her for her words. Since I said it aloud, I started thinking about what I said. It wasn’t something that I actively worked on, but the next time someone gave me a compliment, I also noticed that because it was rare and sincere. I received it. And since then, it hasn’t felt so rare anymore. Something just switched inside me. I realized that it was okay to be valued, seen, appreciated, and to receive. It didn’t kill me. I didn’t owe anybody anything in return, and it was nice and that was that. That was solved. Since then, things flow more easily to me. It could be that easy for you, too. 


People want to give. It’s in our nature, but we also have this knowing when it’s not welcome and don’t extend it to people who don’t appear to be open to it. So, giving and receiving are a two way street.


That leads me to number six - that is to give. As I said, abundance is a two way street. It’s not just about what comes to you. What you give comes back to you. If it stops with you, the energy ends. So send out what you want.


The best example of this is our moon circles and talking circles. I often end with a gift giving. We all send blessings for what we want. The blessings go out to the circle so you may get what you send out or what someone else sent out or both. In the last talking circle, someone blessed us with permission. I had never thought about permission before! I didn’t think I needed permission, but wow did things open up after that! i realized I had set a ceiling in my life that I didn’t know what there, and that ceiling popped right open after that. So, bless people with smiles, compliments, well wishes, gifts, acts of kindness, whatever you have to give. 


We had a beautiful summer day last week that was almost 80 degrees in February. It felt amazing. I could hear the frogs singing, birds - everything seemed to be as excited as I was. I walked into the woods feeling like I was sprinkling fairy love dust behind me and the forest was sending it right back. That’s what I mean. We’re always giving. Sometimes it’s negativity. Sometimes it’s attitude. Send out what you want to receive. It’s amazing how it all circles back.


Now, to the person who asked me to do a hypnosis video on abundance, it’s still on my radar. I want to it justice and make it in a way that reflects the whole sacred wheel. Until then, I hope that this podcast helps you to think about abundance in a different way so that you reflect on how much you already have and let that be enough even as you expand to welcome more. 


Thanks for joining me this week. Winter is quickly fading away, but the best way to feel all the gifts of the season is to really embody all the energy that is here. If you’re not very earthy, now is the time to get a handle on that so that you have a great foundation as we move into the season of spring when the universe will call on you to blossom. Got questions? Comments? Don’t forget to leave me a comment as I’d love to hear from you. Ciao.